November 4, 2023 | Other Activities
Mamuju, 4 November 2023 – Head of BPS West Sulawesi, Tina Wahyufitri met with the Acting Governor of West Sulawesi, Prof. Zudan in an effort to strengthen the use of Regsosek (Social Economic Registration) data to support more accurate and effective development in West Sulawesi province.
The hearing which took place at the West Sulawesi Governor's Rujab on November 4 2023, was part of a collaborative effort to improve the quality of social and economic data which is very necessary in development planning at the provincial level.
This meeting also aims to ensure that Regsosek data collected by BPS can be optimally integrated into various regional government programs and policies.
Zudan expressed the importance of close collaboration between regional governments and BPS in collecting, managing and analyzing Regsosek data.
"This data has a big impact in determining the direction of accurate and effective development policies," said Zudan.
Zudan emphasized the need to ensure the quality of the Regsosek data collected. This involves regular data updates, close monitoring, and the use of the latest technology to support more accurate data collection.
Zudan and the West Sulawesi BPS team also discussed how Regsosek data can be integrated with various regional government programs and policies to increase efficiency and impact.
In addition, personal data security and privacy policies are a major concern when using Regsosek data.
Zudan stated the commitment of the West Sulawesi provincial government to make Regsosek data a more effective tool in formulating development policies and programs that are more targeted, in line with sustainable goals and economic development in West Sulawesi.
Head of BPS West Sulawesi, Tina Wahyufitri appreciated the commitment and cooperation of the regional government.
"BPS West Sulawesi will continue to work together with the regional government of West Sulawesi to improve and maximize the benefits of Regsosek data in supporting regional development," said Tina.
This meeting reflects a shared commitment to achieving sustainable and inclusive development in West Sulawesi through the use of accurate and reliable data. It is hoped that the collaboration between the regional government and BPS will bring great benefits to the people of West Sulawesi and create a strong basis for better decision making in the future.
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