Labor Force Condition August 2017 in Sulawesi Barat Province - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province


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Labor Force Condition August 2017 in Sulawesi Barat Province

Labor Force Condition August 2017 in Sulawesi Barat ProvinceDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 6, 2017
File Size : 0.37 MB


Labor force participation level in Sulawesi Barat on February 2017 is 66,96 percent. This is mean that from 100 people of working age, there is 67 people that active in economically activity as a worker or job seeker.

Number of people that unemployment on August 2017 is 19,7 thousand people with unemployment level is 3,21 percent. This is mean that from 100 people who labor force status, there is 3 people is unemployment.

Farming industrial is the biggest absorb of labor in Sulawesi Barat. On August 2017, number of people that work in this sector is 300 thousand people or 50,41 percent of number of pepople who worked.

Labor in Sulawesi Barat still dominated with lower education level worker (Junior High School or lower), that is 406,8 thousand or 68,37 percent. Next, worker with midle education level (Senior High School) is 122,1 thousand or 20,51 percent and worker with higher education level (Diploma and University) is 66,1 thousand people or 11,11 percent.
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