Overview of Labor in Sulawesi Barat August 2014 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province


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Overview of Labor in Sulawesi Barat August 2014

Overview of Labor in Sulawesi Barat August 2014Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 5, 2014
File Size : 0.3 MB


The total workforce in West Sulawesi in August 2014 was around 608.4 thousand people. This figure increased by around 7.7 thousand people or increased by 1.29 percent compared to February 2014. Within a year (August 2013 - August 2014) the number of the workforce had increased by 8.93 percent.

In August 2014, the working population was 595.8 thousand people, an increase of 4.7 thousand people (0.79 percent) during the last 6 months. The increase in the population employed during the year (August 2013 - August 2014) was 50.4 thousand people (9.23 percent).  The August 2014 Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) was 2.08 percent, meaning that of the approximately 100 population included in the workforce, 2 of them were unemployed. This figure is down compared to the TPT in August 2013 of 2.35 percent, but has increased when compared to the TPT in February 2014 (1.6 percent).
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