Labor Situation in Sulawesi Barat in August 2013 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province


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Labor Situation in Sulawesi Barat in August 2013

Labor Situation in Sulawesi Barat in August 2013Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 6, 2013
File Size : 0.3 MB


The number of labor force in West Sulawesi in August 2013 was around 536.5 thousand people, a decrease of around 36.5 thousand compared to February 2013 or a decrease of 6.38 percent. When compared with the same month a year earlier there was a decrease of around 4.33 percent.

The number of people working in August 2013 was 524 thousand people, a decrease of 37.6 thousand compared to February 2013 or a decrease of 6.69 percent. When compared with the same month the previous year, there was a decrease of around 4.52 percent or as many as 24.8 thousand people.

The August 2013 Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) was 2.33 percent, meaning that of the approximately 100 residents included in the workforce, 2 of them were unemployed. This figure is up compared to the TPT in August 2012 of 2.14 percent.

More than half of the population working in West Sulawesi are non-full workers, totaling 335.6 thousand people or around 64.05 percent while the remaining 188.4 thousand people (35.95 percent) are full-time workers.

Agriculture is still the largest employment sector in West Sulawesi. In August 2013, the number of people working in this sector was around 57.55 percent of the total working population or as many as 301.6 thousand people.

In August 2013, almost ¾ workers in West Sulawesi were informal workers, amounting to 383.6 thousand people (around 73.21 percent). Meanwhile the remaining 140.4 thousand people (around 26.79 percent) are formal workers. When compared to the situation in February 2013, there was a decline in informal workers in West Sulawesi by 37.1 thousand, down about 8.83 percent

Workers in West Sulawesi are still dominated by workers with low education (SLTP and below), which is 369.8 thousand or around 70.58 percent. Furthermore, workers with secondary education (SMA and SMK) are 102.0 thousand or 19.47 percent and those who have higher education (Diploma and PT) are 52.1 thousand people or 9.95 percent. Even so, there has been a shift in the level of education of workers from the low level to the level above it.

In August 2013, West Sulawesi TPT was 2.33 percent. The figure is the smallest TPT of all provinces in Sulawesi, while the largest is North Sulawesi at 6.68 percent.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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