Based on the results of the Consumer Price Survey of 66 cities in Indonesia in September 2009, there were 63 cities experiencing inflation and 3 other cities experiencing deflation. Mamuju experienced inflation of 1.02 percent with CPI 120.62 and ranked 32nd of cities experiencing inflation. The highest inflation in Bandar Lampung was 2.66 percent with CPI 123.55 and the lowest in Gorontalo 0.05 percent with CPI 117.70. Meanwhile, the highest deflation occurred in Sorong 0.98 percent with CPI 132.70 and the lowest in Manado 0.36 percent with CPI 115.00. The inflation rate of Mamuju City in 2009 (December 2008 - September 2009) was 1.15 percent, while the year on year inflation rate (September 2008 - September 2009) was 0.85 percent. Meanwhile for the National scale, in September 2009 inflation in Indonesia occurred at 1.05 percent, with CPI 116.46. Indonesia's inflation rate in 2009 (December 2008 - September 2009) was 2.28 percent, while the year on year inflation rate (September 2008 - September 2009) was 2.83 percent. Inflation in Mamuju in September 2009 was generally caused by a significant increase in the consumer price index in all the following groups of goods and services: foodstuffs group 2.38 percent; processed foods, beverages, cigarettes and tobacco group 0.67 percent; housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel group 0.49 percent; clothing group 1.13 percent; health group 0.10 percent; education, recreation and sports group 0.56 percent; and transportation, communication and financial services 0.36 percent. Significant increase in the foodstuffs group was caused by the large share of inflation in the fresh fish and vegetables sub-group respectively 0.37 percent and 0.28 percent. While the increase that occurred in the clothing group was due to the large share of inflation in the men's and women's clothing sub-groups respectively by 0.03 percent and 0.02 percent. Commodities contributing to inflation are: fresh tuna, 0.29 percent, wet shrimp 0.14 percent, granulated sugar 0.10 percent, spinach 0.08 percent, vegetable tomatoes 0.06 percent, garlic and long beans respectively each of 0.05 percent, live chickens, inter-city transportation and kale each 0.04 percent, and fresh milkfish, zinc, chairs and young long bean leaves 0.03 percent each. Meanwhile, commodities that contributed to inflation but were negative: bananas -0.10 percent, onions -0.07 percent, cayenne pepper -0.05 percent, squid and wet anchovies -0.03 percent each , as well as fresh fish, peanuts, red chili and fresh baronang fish each -0.02 percent.