HOTEL ROOM DEPOSITION LEVEL IN WEST SULAWESI, TRIWULAN II 2009 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province


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Release Date : August 16, 2009
File Size : 1.77 MB


HOTEL LEVEL OF HOTEL ROOMS IN WEST SULAWESI, QUARTER II 2009 Kamar The average occupancy rate of starred hotels in West Sulawesi in the second quarter of 2009 was around 28.06 percent. That is, the average number of rooms used out of all available rooms is only 28.06 percent. The highest Occupancy Rate of the Starred Hotels occurred in June of 52.16 percent, while the lowest was 11.02 percent in April 2009. The TPK of Starred Hotels in the second quarter was smaller when compared to the first quarter which was equal to 31.60 percent.  The average TPK for Other Accommodations is around 37.89 percent, 9.83 points higher than the average TPK for Starred Hotels in the same period (quarter II 2009). The highest TPK for Other Accommodations was in June with 42.51 percent and the lowest was in May with 33.84 percent. The TPK for other accommodations in the second quarter was greater than in the first quarter with a difference of 5.9 percent.  The average length of stay of foreign guests in the Classified Hotel classification during the second quarter of 2009 was 2.4 days or 0.2 points higher than the average length of stay of archipelago guests by 2.2 days. Furthermore, in the Other Accommodation classification the average length of stay of foreign guests was 1.1 days or 0.77 points lower than the archipelago guests with an average length of stay of 1.87 days. Thus the average length of stay of foreign guests in Starred Hotels is different from the pattern of the average length of stay of foreign guests in other accommodations (the average length of stay of foreign guests in Starred Hotels is higher but in Other Accommodations is lower than the average length of stay stay archipelago guests).  Guest Per Room (GPR) or the average number of Guests per Room for Starred Hotels in the II quarter of 2009 was 1.69 people, the same as the Other Accommodation GPR of 1.69 people. This means that the average rooms sold in the Classified Hotel classification is inhabited by 1.69 people, same as in the Other Accommodation classification, the average rooms sold is occupied by 1.69 people. When compared to the first quarter, GPR for Starred Hotels in the second quarter was 0.08 percent higher, but the GPR for Other Accommodations in the second quarter was 0.10 percent lower. Official Gazette of West Sulawesi Province No. 26/08/08 / Th. III, August 3, 2009 1 Room Occupancy Rate in the Classified Hotel classification from April to June 2009 is quite fluctuating. The highest TPK was 52.16 percent in June and the lowest in April was 11.02 percent or a difference of 41.14 points. When compared to the average TPK for the same period in 2008, a decrease was seen from 29.33 to 28.06 percent for starred hotels, while for other accommodations it increased from 34.73 percent to 37.89 percent. The development of TPK for Starred Hotels in the second quarter of 2009 differed in pattern from that of the second quarter of 2008. This can be seen in the April-June period of 2009 continuously increasing from 11.02 percent in April to 52.16 percent in June, but in the same period in 2008, the April-May period declined, then the May-June period increased. Meanwhile, the average occupancy rate of starred hotel rooms in the second quarter of 2009 was smaller than the ROR for the same period in 2008, this shows that the average room used every night of all available rooms in starred hotels in the second quarter 2009 was less than in the second quarter of 2008, respectively 28.06 percent and 29.33 percent.
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