West Sulawesi NTP January 2025 Drops 2.54 Percent - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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West Sulawesi NTP January 2025 Drops 2.54 Percent

West Sulawesi NTP January 2025 Drops 2.54 Percent

February 3, 2025 | BPS Activities

Mamuju, February 3, 2025 – The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of West Sulawesi Province released the latest developments related to regional strategic indicators, including the Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) for January 2025. Based on the data presented, West Sulawesi's NTP decreased by 2.54 percent, from 158.28 in December 2024 to 154.26 in January 2025. This decrease was mainly due to a decrease in the Farmer Received Price Index (It) by 2.47 percent, while the Farmer Paid Price Index (Ib) increased by 0.07 percent.

"This decrease in the NTP shows pressure on the purchasing power of farmers in West Sulawesi, especially for smallholder plantation farmers who experienced the largest decrease," said the Head of BPS West Sulawesi, Tina Wahyufitri, in a press conference on Thursday (3/2/2025).

By subsector, the NTP of smallholder plantation crops experienced the highest decline of 3.97 percent, mainly due to the decline in the prices of palm oil, cocoa, and cloves. Meanwhile, the fisheries subsector recorded the highest increase in NTP of 1.21 percent, driven by the increase in the prices of mackerel, tapilalang fish, and tuna.

In addition, the Farmer's Business Exchange Rate (NTUP) also decreased by 3.16 percent to 160.68. This was influenced by a decrease in It of 2.47 percent and an increase in the Production Cost Index and Additional Capital Goods (BPPBM) of 0.70 percent. The increase in the BPPBM index was influenced by the increase in labor costs and the prices of fertilizers and gasoline.

On a regional scale, five provinces in Sulawesi Island experienced an increase in NTP, with Southeast Sulawesi recording the highest increase of 3.56 percent. Meanwhile, West Sulawesi was the only province in Sulawesi that experienced a decrease in NTP. At the national level, NTP was recorded to have increased by 0.73 percent.

"We will continue to monitor this development and hope that there will be strategic policies to help increase farmers' purchasing power, especially in the people's plantation sector," concluded Tina.

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