West Sulawesi Economic Growth in Q2-2024 Reaches 4.30 Percent, Driven by Agriculture Sector - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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West Sulawesi Economic Growth in Q2-2024 Reaches 4.30 Percent, Driven by Agriculture Sector

West Sulawesi Economic Growth in Q2-2024 Reaches 4.30 Percent, Driven by Agriculture Sector

August 5, 2024 | BPS Activities

Mamuju, August 5, 2024 – The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of West Sulawesi Province announced encouraging economic growth in Q2-2024. West Sulawesi's economy grew by 4.30 percent annually (y-on-y), driven by a significant increase in the agriculture, forestry, and fisheries sectors.

The Head of BPS of West Sulawesi Province, Tina Wahyufitri, said, "West Sulawesi's economic growth in Q2-2024 shows strong resilience and potential. The agriculture, forestry, and fisheries sectors are the main driving force, providing the largest contribution to overall economic growth."

The Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of West Sulawesi at current prices reached 16.30 trillion rupiah in Q2-2024. In addition to positive annual growth, the West Sulawesi economy also recorded growth of 7.24 percent compared to the previous quarter (q-to-q).

"This strong economic growth is not only in the agricultural sector, but is also driven by increased household consumption and government spending," added Tina Wahyufitri.

Cumulatively, the West Sulawesi economy in the second quarter of 2024 (cumulative of the first and second quarters of 2024) grew by 5.13 percent compared to the same period the previous year (c-to-c).

Although West Sulawesi's economic growth was the eighth highest in the Sulawesi Maluku Papua Region in the second quarter of 2024, this achievement still shows positive developments and great potential for regional economic development.

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