Decrease in ROR of Star Hotels, Increase in ROR of Non-Star Hotels in June 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province


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Decrease in ROR of Star Hotels, Increase in ROR of Non-Star Hotels in June 2024

Decrease in ROR of Star Hotels, Increase in ROR of Non-Star Hotels in June 2024

August 1, 2024 | BPS Activities

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of West Sulawesi Province noted dynamics in the hotel room occupancy rate (TPK) in West Sulawesi in June 2024. The ROR of star hotels decreased by 0.49 points to 28.02 percent, while the ROR of non-star hotels increased by 0.03 points to 19.70 percent.

"The decrease in ROR of star hotels can be influenced by various factors, such as the holiday season or ongoing tourism activities," said the Head of BPS of West Sulawesi Province, Tina Wahyufitri.

Meanwhile, the increase in ROR of non-star hotels indicates potential growth in the more affordable accommodation sector.

In addition, the average length of stay of guests has also changed. The average length of stay of domestic guests in star hotels decreased to 1.02 days, while foreign guests increased to 2.78 days. In non-star hotels, the average length of stay for domestic guests dropped to 1.06 days, while foreign guests increased significantly to 4.00 days.

BPS of West Sulawesi Province will continue to monitor developments in the tourism sector to provide accurate and up-to-date information to the public and stakeholders.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Sulawesi Barat (BPS-Statistics of Sulawesi Barat Province)Jl. RE Martadinata No. 10


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