Planning to Rent Out Tennis Courts, BPS Sulbar Coordinates with KPKNL Mamuju - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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Planning to Rent Out Tennis Courts, BPS Sulbar Coordinates with KPKNL Mamuju

Planning to Rent Out Tennis Courts, BPS Sulbar Coordinates with KPKNL Mamuju

July 17, 2024 | Other Activities

Mamuju (17/07) – Head of BPS-Statistic of Sulawesi Barat Province, Tina Wahyufitri, visited the Mamuju State Property and Auction Service Office (KPKNL) accompanied by Young Expert Archivist, Abd. Syukur, and State Property (BMN) BPS-Statistic of Sulawesi Barat Province Manager, Nurwahida, to discuss renting tennis courts belonging to BPS-Statistic of Sulawesi Barat Province. BPS-Statistic of Sulawesi Barat Province has a tennis court covering an area of ​​700 m2. The high demand for renting tennis courts is an opportunity to make a real contribution to the country. The rental fee for the tennis court will go into the state treasury through Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP).

During their visit, the BPS-Statistic of Sulawesi Barat Province Team was welcomed by Eka Putra Bakhtiar A. Bong, Executor of the Mamuju KPKNL State Asset Management Section. The BPS-Statistic of Sulawesi Barat Province team coordinates technical rental matters, administrative documents that need to be prepared, as well as regulations that need to be made for renting tennis courts that are included in the BMN. Apart from that, the BPS-Statistic of Sulawesi Barat Province team also consulted on the management of other BMN belonging to BPS-Statistic of Sulawesi Barat Province and BPS Districts in the Sulawesi Barat region so that the management of BMN belonging to BPS complies with applicable regulations. Eka really appreciates the initiative to visit BPS-Statistic of Sulawesi Barat Province and is grateful for the good cooperation so far between KPKNL Mamuju and BPS work units in the Sulawesi Barat region.

Head of BPS-Statistic of Sulawesi Barat Province, Tina Wahyufitri, expressed her gratitude for the welcome given by the KPKNL Team and conveyed all the necessary information. "We thank KPKNL Mamuju for being willing to accompany us and direct us so that our BMN management gets better," concluded Tina.

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