West Sulawesi Inflation is Lowest Nationally! Consistently Below 3 percent a year - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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West Sulawesi Inflation is Lowest Nationally! Consistently Below 3 percent a year

West Sulawesi Inflation is Lowest Nationally! Consistently Below 3 percent a year

May 2, 2024 | BPS Activities

Mamuju, BPS Sulbar (2/5/2024) - West Sulawesi Province's Central Statistics Agency (BPS) recorded year on year (y-on-y) inflation in West Sulawesi in April 2024 at 2.76 percent, the lowest among 38 province in Indonesia. This shows that the performance of inflation control in West Sulawesi has been consistent and fairly stable over the past year.

Head of BPS West Sulawesi, Tina Wahyufitri, in a press release, Tuesday (2/5/2024), explained that inflation in West Sulawesi was driven by price increases in several expenditure groups, such as food, drinks and tobacco; equipment, tools, and routine household maintenance; health; transportation; recreation, sports and culture; education; provision of food and drinks/restaurants; and personal care and other services.

"Thank God, West Sulawesi inflation is again showing an encouraging trend. BPS data shows that West Sulawesi inflation as of April 2024 was recorded at 2.76 percent, the lowest figure among the 38 provinces in Indonesia," said Tina Wahyufitri. "This achievement is the result of joint hard work from various parties, especially TPID West Sulawesi which consistently works together in controlling the prices of goods and services in West Sulawesi."

"I am very grateful to TPID. I have opened statistical data for 38 provinces this year. Inflation for West Sulawesi is the only one consistently below 3 percent. Only West Sulawesi, of course this is good cooperation between districts, provinces and all TPID and friends "all friends at all points are working together to control these prices," said the Acting Governor of West Sulawesi, Zudan Arif Fakrulloh, appreciating the performance of TPID West Sulawesi. "I thank all parties, the heads of BI, BPS, and others for their cooperation in the last year." he added.

West Sulawesi BPS data shows an encouraging trend in controlling inflation in the area. From May 2023 to April 2024, West Sulawesi inflation has consistently been below 3 percent. This shows solid collaboration between the regional government, TPID, and all related parties in maintaining price stability in West Sulawesi.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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