Head of BPS West Sulawesi Inaugurates Supervisory Officials, Increases Competency and Synergy - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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Head of BPS West Sulawesi Inaugurates Supervisory Officials, Increases Competency and Synergy

Head of BPS West Sulawesi Inaugurates Supervisory Officials, Increases Competency and Synergy

April 24, 2024 | Other Activities

Mamuju, 24 April 2024 - The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of West Sulawesi Province (Sulbar) today inaugurated a number of Supervisory Officials within BPS West Sulawesi. This inauguration is expected to increase competence and synergy in carrying out the main tasks and functions of BPS.

"To the Supervisory Officer who was appointed today, we wish him congratulations and success. I hope that the trust given to him will be carried out as well as possible with a full sense of responsibility," said Head of BPS West Sulawesi, Tina Wahyufitri.

According to Tina, promotions are carried out taking into account the needs of the organization and based on applicable laws and regulations.

As a Supervisory Officer, the Head of General Subdivision holds a strategic position which also determines whether his work unit is capable of becoming a world-class work unit that is reliable, independent and trustworthy.

"In order to be able to carry out your duties professionally, master the competencies, namely: able to carry out more specific technical tasks, understand principles and theories, do not need direct supervision, be confident, complete work more quickly, be agile in technical work, be responsible for your own and group work ," explained Tina.

"Through his responsibilities as Head of General Subdivision, apply these competencies in the main duties of Supervisors in accordance with BPS Regulation Number 5 of 2023," he added.

"Help and support the Heads of General Subdivisions to create Public Service Innovations that are comfortable and reliable for both employees and data users. Form the Heads of General Subdivisions as successors who are able to build synergy with all elements to maximize achievements," Tina said to the Head of BPS Pasangkayu and the Head BPS Mamasa.

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