Opening Admin Quality Gates Workshop, Tina Emphasizes the Importance of Data Quality - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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Opening Admin Quality Gates Workshop, Tina Emphasizes the Importance of Data Quality

Opening Admin Quality Gates Workshop, Tina Emphasizes the Importance of Data Quality

March 13, 2024 | Other Activities

BPS West Sulawesi held an online admin quality gates workshop throughout West Sulawesi Province on Wednesday (13/3). The presenters came from the quality gates team of BPS West Sulawesi, while the workshop participants consisted of 2 people each from each district. The opening was attended by all work team heads at provincial BPS and all Regency BPS Heads and opened by the Head of West Sulawesi BPS, Tina Wahyufitri.

Tina in her speech emphasized the importance of the quality of data produced by BPS. "Quality assurance is not just a concept, but a series of planned and systematic actions that aim to provide confidence to users that every product we produce meets quality standards," he explained. He invited all district BPS heads and activity team and project leaders so that everyone could collaborate to oversee each activity so that it meets optimal standards.

Tina also told all workshop participants to carry out their responsibilities as well as possible. BPS has developed a quality gates information system that will be used in implementing quality gates up to the district level. "The duties of the quality gates admin include monitoring the implementation of quality gates and coordinating the implementation of quality gates, so this requires a big responsibility," explained Tina.

Muhammad Mitsaq Zameer and Mega Kelana Cahya Altoba as provincial BPS quality gates admins who were also workshop presenters also emphasized the duties and responsibilities of district admins. "Admin friends are expected to be able to proactively coordinate and collaborate with each other so that every stage in monitoring quality can be carried out well," explained Mitsaq.

The activity went smoothly and was quite interactive, marked by many questions from participants. (*)

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