BPS West Sulawesi Wins BMN Award, Proof of Optimal Performance - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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BPS West Sulawesi Wins BMN Award, Proof of Optimal Performance

BPS West Sulawesi Wins BMN Award, Proof of Optimal Performance

March 7, 2024 | Other Activities

Mamuju, March 7 2024 - BPS West Sulawesi Province (Sulbar) won 3 awards in the Socialization of State Property Management (BMN) and Auction held by KPKNL Mamuju. This award shows BPS West Sulawesi's commitment to managing BMN and Auctions optimally.

Head of BPS West Sulawesi, Tina Wahyufitri, expressed her pride in the achievements achieved. "This award is clear evidence of BPS West Sulawesi's commitment to managing BMN and Auctions well. We continue to strive to improve the quality of BMN management so that it can provide maximum benefits for the community," said Wahyufitri.

Wahyufitri added that BPS West Sulawesi will continue to improve and improve its performance in managing BMN. "We will continue to learn and follow the latest developments in BMN management so that we can provide the best service for the community," he said.

Awards won by BPS West Sulawesi:

Best I in the category of Best BMN Compulsory Non-Execution Auction Applicant in the West Sulawesi Province area;

Best III in the category of Quality of BMN Completion Not Used for Tusi in the West Sulawesi Province area;

Best BMN Management Officer an. Nurwahida, SST. from the West Sulawesi Province BPS work unit.

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