Interactive Dialogue at RRI Mamuju, BPS West Sulawesi Reveals Economic Growth in 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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Interactive Dialogue at RRI Mamuju, BPS West Sulawesi Reveals Economic Growth in 2023

Interactive Dialogue at RRI Mamuju, BPS West Sulawesi Reveals Economic Growth in 2023

February 6, 2024 | Other Activities

MAMUJU - In the interactive dialogue "Hello West Sulawesi" at RRI Mamuju, BPS West Sulawesi revealed the dynamics of West Sulawesi's economic growth in 2023. According to M. La'bi, BPS West Sulawesi's Associate Expert Statistics, West Sulawesi's economic growth reached 5.25 percent (06/02) .

GRDP in Quarter IV-2023 shows growth in the processing industry sector reaching 14.46 percent, dominating growth of 1.54 points. The agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors also made a positive contribution of 4.24 points.

Dwi Ardian, First Expert Statistician at BPS West Sulawesi, highlighted the impact of economic growth on society. "The open unemployment rate in August 2023 fell to 2.27 percent, while the agricultural sector experienced the highest decline," he said.

The increase in the level of welfare can also be seen from the decrease in the percentage of poor people. "In March 2023, the percentage of poor people in West Sulawesi will fall to 11.49 percent, while the extreme poor will fall to 0.75 percent," added Dwi Ardian.

In relation to reducing poverty, La'bi emphasized that "the impressive economic growth in West Sulawesi has had a positive impact on reducing the percentage of extreme poor people."

Meanwhile, in exploring innovation and economic opportunities, BPS West Sulawesi highlighted the potential of the processing industry sector, new sources of growth such as coal, and investment opportunities in the agriculture, fisheries and plantation sectors.

In order to stimulate economic growth, BPS West Sulawesi invites the government and private sector to focus more on investment in these sectors. "Innovation and collaboration can be the key to sustainable economic growth in West Sulawesi," concluded M. La'bi.

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