Handover of BMN Tennis Court Assessment Report for BPS West Sulawesi from KPKNL Mamuju - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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Handover of BMN Tennis Court Assessment Report for BPS West Sulawesi from KPKNL Mamuju

Handover of BMN Tennis Court Assessment Report for BPS West Sulawesi from KPKNL Mamuju

February 1, 2024 | Other Activities

Mamuju - Head of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of West Sulawesi Province (Sulbar), Tina Wahyufitri received the State Property (BMN) assessment report which focuses on Tennis Courts by the Mamuju State Property and Auction Services Office (KPKNL). This is a concrete step in an effort to improve governance of state assets and management efficiency (01/02).

The KPKNL team carried out a comprehensive assessment of the Tennis Court belonging to BPS West Sulawesi. The appraisal process involves evaluating the physical condition, continued function, and assessing the value of the property. Head of BPS West Sulawesi, Tina Wahyufitri, welcomed the arrival of the KPKNL Team with great enthusiasm, emphasizing the importance of transparency in managing state assets.

"The high standards of integrity and professionalism of the Mamuju KPKNL provide confidence that this assessment is carried out accurately and objectively. We are happy to be able to collaborate with the Mamuju KPKNL in an effort to ensure that the West Sulawesi BPS Tennis Fields are managed optimally and according to standards," said Tina.

It is hoped that the assessment report submitted by KPKNL Mamuju will become a reference for BPS West Sulawesi in the management and maintenance of Tennis Courts. With this evaluation, BPS West Sulawesi can identify potential improvements, optimize utilization, and plan strategic steps to maintain the sustainability of these assets.

The good cooperation between BPS West Sulawesi and KPKNL Mamuju in this handover activity created a positive step in managing state assets. BPS West Sulawesi is committed to continuing to improve asset management to the best standards to support the efficiency and effectiveness of the institution, as well as providing maximum benefits for the people of West Sulawesi.

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