Study Visit of BPS West Sulawesi to Lanal Mamuju for Development of Service Supporting Buildings - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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Study Visit of BPS West Sulawesi to Lanal Mamuju for Development of Service Supporting Buildings

Study Visit of BPS West Sulawesi to Lanal Mamuju for Development of Service Supporting Buildings

January 18, 2024 | Other Activities

Mamuju - In an effort to improve the quality of services and infrastructure, the West Sulawesi Central Statistics Agency (BPS) carried out comparative study activities with the Mamuju Military Seaborne Command (Lanal). Head of BPS West Sulawesi, Tina Wahyufitri, and her entourage, were received by Danlanal Mamuju, Marine Lieutenant Colonel (P) Mochammad Reza Achwandi, on Wednesday (18/01).

One of the important aspects discussed at this meeting was the management of the construction of a prayer room in Lanal Mamuju. Head of BPS West Sulawesi, Tina Wahyufitri, said that her party was very interested in studying the successful steps taken by Lanal Mamuju in managing the construction of the prayer room. The prayer room at Lanal Mamuju is recognized as one of the facilities that provides comfort and spiritual support for Lanal members and the surrounding community.

Marine Lt. Col. (P) Mochammad Reza Achwandi explained, "The construction of a prayer room at Lanal Mamuju does not only involve physical aspects, but also prioritizes religious values and togetherness. The process of organizing and managing the prayer room is an integral part in creating a harmonious work environment based on values. moral values."

The discussion also included the contribution of vertical agencies and Forkopimda (Regional Leadership Coordination Forum) in the development of West Sulawesi. Head of BPS West Sulawesi, Tina Wahyufitri, appreciated the synergy that has existed between various parties in supporting regional development.

Marine Lieutenant Colonel (P) Mochammad Reza Achwandi emphasized the importance of cooperation between military institutions, regional governments and other institutions. "We believe that sustainable development requires collaboration from all parties. Positive contributions from vertical agencies and Forkopimda can be the main driver in achieving West Sulawesi's development goals," said Marine Lieutenant Colonel (P) Mochammad Reza Achwandi.

It is hoped that this comparative study will provide inspiration and new insights for BPS West Sulawesi in implementing infrastructure and service development. Apart from that, it is hoped that cooperation between Lanal Mamuju and BPS West Sulawesi can continue to be improved to support regional progress and community welfare.

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