BPS West Sulawesi and RRI Mamuju Explore Sustainability Collaboration in the Field of Statistics - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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BPS West Sulawesi and RRI Mamuju Explore Sustainability Collaboration in the Field of Statistics

BPS West Sulawesi and RRI Mamuju Explore Sustainability Collaboration in the Field of Statistics

January 16, 2024 | Other Activities

Mamuju, January 16 2024 - The atmosphere of cooperation between the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of West Sulawesi (Sulbar) and Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) Mamuju is getting closer, along with the arrival of the Head of RRI Mamuju, Malikam Sangadji, and his staff, in order to discuss sustainable collaboration between both institutions.

Head of BPS West Sulawesi, Tina Wahyufitri, welcomed the guests warmly, showing high enthusiasm for efforts to strengthen synergy between statistical institutions and broadcasting institutions. "We are very happy to be able to discuss further about closer collaboration with RRI Mamuju. This collaboration has great potential to have a positive impact, especially in supporting statistical activities in this area," said Tina.

During the meeting, Malikam Sangadji submitted a request for assistance to BPS West Sulawesi regarding the implementation of the RRI Listener Estimation Survey. This is a form of RRI Mamuju's effort to dig up information regarding the patterns and behavior of people who access radio broadcast media in the RRI Mamuju broadcast coverage area.

Furthermore, Malikam offered an innovative idea by proposing broadcasting statistical news live during the Official Statistical News Release. "We want to involve the public directly in understanding statistical data. Through live broadcasts, it is hoped that this information can be closer and easier for listeners to understand," said Malikam.

Responding to this, Tina welcomed and appreciated the RRI Mamuju initiative. He also added that there are opportunities for broader sustainability collaboration, especially in developing the RRI program which includes statistical aspects. "We saw an opportunity to create a special program together that was not only informative but also educational, so that people could better understand and appreciate statistical data," added Tina.

Both parties agreed to continue discussing the details of this cooperation in follow-up meetings. It is hoped that the collaboration between BPS West Sulawesi and RRI Mamuju will not only provide benefits for both institutions, but also increase statistical literacy in the people of West Sulawesi.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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