November 1, 2022 | Other Activities
Mamuju - The Consumer Price Index (CPI) in October 2022 Mamuju fell or experienced a deflation of 1.44 percent.
The decrease in the monthly Consumer Price Index (mtm) was in line with an increase in the October farmer exchange rate to 116.66 compared to the previous month which reached 114.04.
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is an index that calculates the average price change in a period, from a collection of prices for goods and services consumed by residents/households in a certain period of time.
The types of goods and services are divided into 7 groups, namely foodstuffs; prepared food, drinks, cigarettes and tobacco; housing area; clothing; Health; education, recreation and sports; transportation and communication.
The changes in the CPI from time to time reflect the rate of increase in inflation or deflation.
Head of BPS Sulbar Tina Wahyufitri explained, the decline in CPI was due to falling prices of several commodities.
"The decline in the Consumer Price Index on a month to month (mtm) basis occurred due to a decrease in prices indicated by a decrease in several expenditure groups, namely the food, beverage and tobacco group by -4.75 percent, as well as the information, communication and financial services group by -4.75 percent. -0.16 percent," he said in a press conference, Tuesday (11/1/2022).
He said several commodities that dominantly contributed to the mtm deflation included flying fish, skipjack tuna, red chilies, selar fish, cayenne pepper, katamba fish, baronang fish, tuna, purebred chicken eggs and squid.
For information, the Consumer Price Index in October 2022 in Mamuju recorded inflation of 5.26 percent on an annual basis (yoy), while on a calendar year basis it was 3.88 percent (year to date).
Meanwhile, of the 13 cities on Sulawesi Island, 3 cities experienced inflation and 10 cities experienced deflation. The highest inflation occurred in Kendari at 0.27 percent and the lowest occurred in Gorontalo at 0.01 percent. Meanwhile, the highest deflation occurred in Mamuju by 1.44 percent and the lowest occurred in Makassar by 0.11 percent.
Apart from inflation, West Sulawesi BPS also released a number of other strategic indicators, namely the development of inflation, the development of the Farmer's Exchange Rate (NTP), the development of tourism, and the development of transportation and the development of foreign trade in West Sulawesi Province.
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