Welfare Indicators of Sulawesi Barat Province 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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Welfare Indicators of Sulawesi Barat Province 2023

Catalog Number : 4102004.76
Publication Number : 76000.2349
ISSN/ISBN : 2460-268X
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : November 30, 2023
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 6.24 MB


Welfare Indicators of Sulawesi Barat Province 2023 publication is a publication that presents the level of development of the welfare of the people of Sulawesi Barat over time and between regions. This publication also presents various aspects of welfare that can be measured according to available data. To facilitate interpretation, changes in the level of welfare are studied according to various areas that serve as references in efforts to improve the quality of life. The groupings according to the fields in question are population, health and nutrition, education, employment, consumption levels and patterns, housing and environment, and other social aspects.
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