Welfare Statistics of Sulawesi Barat Province 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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Welfare Statistics of Sulawesi Barat Province 2021

Catalog Number : 4101002.76
Publication Number : 76000.2133
ISSN/ISBN : 2460-2671
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : December 28, 2021
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 17.92 MB


National Socio Economic Survey (Susenas) is a great way to obtain and collect socioeconomic population data that include education, health/nutrition, housing environment, crime, culture, household consumtion/expenditure, travel and public opinion. The data collected will provide information of the particular socio-economic household well-being. The publication of Welfare Statistics 2021 presents the results of the Susenas data that have been collected and further processed. The data is presented in the form of a table of percentage and each table classify the population according to the type of area and district. The presentation will help users in order to see the differences in the level of welfare between different population group. On some of the reviews table data presented are distinguished according to gender which is intended to see whether there are gender differences on certain aspects
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