ANALYSIS OF SE2016-LANJUTAN SAMPLE RESULT Potential Performance Improvement of Micro and Small Enterprise in Sulawesi Barat Province - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province


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ANALYSIS OF SE2016-LANJUTAN SAMPLE RESULT Potential Performance Improvement of Micro and Small Enterprise in Sulawesi Barat Province

Catalog Number : 9102062.76
Publication Number : 76550.1903
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-5572-35-7
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : April 15, 2019
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 5.45 MB


The first objective of Indonesia National Development Planning 2015-2019 is to increase the inclusive and sustainable growth. One of the government strategies to achieve the objective is by reaching the higher degree of competitiveness and strengthening contribution of Micro Small Enterprises (UMK).The results of the SE2016-Lanjutan data collection can be used as a basis for analysis and formulation of policies including measuring the performance of Micro Small Enterprises (UMK) by providing an overview of the characteristics / quality of human resources, conditions of capital accessibility, business prospects, and financial performance. In relation to this, the publication of the Potential for Improving the Performance of Small Micro Enterprises in Sulawesi Barat Province was prepared. Information through these publications is expected to contribute to the government to help the development of UMK through guidance and formulation of regulations that are able to protect and improve UMK performance. Thus, the role of UMK in local economic activities is getting stronger. Employment also increased.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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