Economy of Sulawesi Barat quarter III-2021 was 2.54 percent (y-on-y) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province


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Economy of Sulawesi Barat quarter III-2021 was 2.54 percent (y-on-y)

Release Date : November 5, 2021
File Size : 2.05 MB


  • Sulawesi Barat's Economy Quarter III-2021 measured by Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) on the basis of valid prices reached 12.11 trillion rupiah, while on the basis of constant 2010 prices reached 8.21 trillion rupiah.

  • Sulawesi Barat's Economy Quarter III-2021 experienced growth of 2.54 percent compared to the same quarter in 2020 (y-on-y). Increased value-added creation occurs in almost all business field categories. The biggest source of economic growth occurs in the processing industry category. While in terms of expenditure, the source of the largest economic growth comes from the component of gross fixed capital formation (PMTB).

  • Sulawesi Barat's Economy Quarter III-2021 contracted 1.28 percent compared to the quarter II-2021 (Q-to-Q). If viewed from the side of the business field, the deepest source of contraction is sourced from the category of agriculture, forestry and fisheries. If viewed in terms of expenditure, the source of the deepest contraction comes from export components.

  • Sulawesi Barat's economy cumulatively in the third quarter of-2021 (cumulative quarter I, II and III 2021) experienced a growth of 2.10 percent compared to the cumulative quarter III-2020 (C-to-C).

  • On a regional scale in the Sulawesi area of ​​Maluku Papua, the highest economic growth in the third quarter of 2021 (Y-on-Y) occurred in Papua at 14.54 percent. The Sulawesi Barat experienced a growth of 2.54 percent, occupying the ninth position of ten provinces.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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