August 2021, Farmers Term of Trade of Sulawesi Barat farmers was 121.94. Rose 1.68% compared to July 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province


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August 2021, Farmers Term of Trade of Sulawesi Barat farmers was 121.94. Rose 1.68% compared to July 2021

Release Date : September 1, 2021
File Size : 0.29 MB


• NTP is a comparison of IT against the IB used to show the exchange power of agricultural products with goods and services consumed and for production costs. The higher the NTP, relatively stronger the level of ability / purchasing power of farmers.

• Starting in January 2020, the basic year changes in the calculation of the price index received by farmers (IT) and the price index paid by farmers (IB) from the 2012 base year = 100 became the basic year of 2018 = 100. Both types of index are components in calculating farmer exchange rates (NTP). This basic year change was carried out to adjust changes in production patterns, production costs, and consumption of agricultural households in rural areas. In the basic year of 2018 = 100 increased coverage of commodity amounts both in IT and IB commodity packages compared to the 2012 base year = 100.

• Sulawesi Barat NTP August 2021 was 121.94 or up 1.68 percent compared to the July 2021 NTP which was 119.93. The increase in NTP was caused by a greater IP increase when compared to the IB increase.

• NTP according to the largest sub-sector for food crop subsector (NTP-P) 101.95; Horticulture (NTP-H) subsector 107.09; Subsector for People's Plantation (NTP-R) 141.44; Livestock Sub-sector (NTP-T) 97.33; and Fisheries Sub-sector (NTNP) 107.36.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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