Employment Situation August 2018 Sulaweasi Barat Province - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province


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Employment Situation August 2018 Sulaweasi Barat Province

Employment Situation August 2018 Sulaweasi Barat ProvinceDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 5, 2018
File Size : 0.26 MB


• The Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK) in Sulawesi Barat in August 2018 was 68.46 percent. This means that out of the 100 working age population, around 68 of them are active in economic activities both as workers or job seekers 

• The total number of unemployed people in August 2018 was 20.2 thousand people with an Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) of 3.16 percent. This means that out of 100 residents categorized as labor force, about 3 of them are unemployed. 

• Agricultural business is the largest absorber of labor in Sulawesi Barat. In August 2018, there were 323.3 thousand people working in this category or 52.19 percent of the total working population. 

• Workers in Sulawesi Barat are still dominated by loweducated workers (junior secondary and lower), which are as many as 422.4 thousand or around 68.20 percent. Furthermore, workers with secondary education (SMA and SMK) were 134.0 thousand or 21.63 percent and 63.0 thousand people had higher education (Diploma and PT) or 10.17 percent.  
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