POVERTY LEVEL IN SULAWESI BARAT CONDITIONS IN MARCH OF 2008 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province


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Release Date : July 20, 2008
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POVERTY LEVEL IN SULAWESI BARAT CONDITION OF MARCH MONTHS 2008 SUMMARY; The number of poor people (residents who have an average per capita expenditure per month under the Poverty Line) in Sulawesi BaratProvince in March 2008 amounted to 171.1 thousand people, down by around 18,800 people when compared to the situation in March 2007. Nonetheless , the number of almost 171 thousand people is still quite large for Sulawesi Barat, whose population is still very small (around 1 million); Likewise, the relative number (percentage) of poor people during this period dropped significantly, namely 2.30 percent, from 19.03 percent in March 2007 to around 16.73 percent in March 2008.; In total, the poor population in West Sulawesi has declined, both urban and rural areas. The number of poor people in rural areas decreased by 2.26 percent, and in urban areas decreased by 2.39 percent. During the period March 2007-March 2008, the poor population in rural areas decreased by 12,000 people, while in urban areas decreased by around 6,800 people. One of the causes of the decline in urban poor is slower than in rural areas because the level of life in the city is more susceptible to the influence of price fluctuations than the population in rural areas this can be seen from the poverty line of urban areas which tend to be higher than the poverty line in rural areas. ; During the March 2007-March 2008 period, the Poverty Line increased by 8.32 percent, from Rp.135,242 per capita per month in March 2007 to Rp.146,492 per capita per month in March 2008. However, it did not add the number of people falling below the poverty line. This means that the purchasing power of the people of Sulawesi Barat in this period has relatively increased. This is reflected in increased production and improved prices for several plantation commodities (mainly cocoa and palm oil) during this period. ; The role of food commodities towards the Poverty Line is far greater than the role of non-food commodities, which is 82 percent versus 18 percent. ; Urban areas are quite vulnerable to price changes in food commodities in influencing the poverty line, because urban people tend to buy food, whereas in rural areas most are obtained from their own production, so they are not so affected. ; In the period March 2007-March 2008, the Poverty Depth Index (P1) and the Poverty Severity Index (P2) showed an upward trend, although not significant. This indicates that the average expenditure of the poor tends to move further away from the poverty line and the inequality of expenditure of the poor also widens. Official Gazette of Sulawesi Barat Province No.17 / 07/76 / Th. II, July 1, 2008 1 
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