Farmers Terms of Trade in May 2008 was 103.58 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province


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Farmers Terms of Trade in May 2008 was 103.58

Farmers Terms of Trade in May 2008 was 103.58Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : July 20, 2008
File Size : 0.47 MB


; In the July 2008 press release, the presentation of Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) for data for May 2008 was based on the calculation of NTP with base year 2007 (2007 = 100). This FTT calculation covers 32 provinces and includes 5 sub-sectors, namely the rice & secondary crops sub-sector, horticulture, smallholder plantations, livestock and fisheries. ; In May 2008, the NTP of each subsector was recorded at 92.84 for the Food Crop Subsector (NTPP), 86.63 for the Horticultural Subsector (NTPH), 138.20 for the People's Plantation Plant Subsector (NTPR), 102.09 for the Subsector Animal Husbandry (NTPT) and 95.44 for the Fisheries Subsector (NTN). While the NTP of West Sulawesi Province in May was recorded at 103.58, an increase of 2.75 percent when compared to the NTP in April 2008 which only reached 100.81. ; In May 2008, inflation in rural areas in West Sulawesi Province amounted to 1.21 percent due to an increase in the price index of several groups: foodstuffs (1.43%); prepared food, beverages and cigarettes (1.99%), housing (1.13%); clothing (0.86%); health (1.12%); education, recreation and sports (-0.55%); and transportation and communication (-0.40%). Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) obtained from the comparison of the price index received by farmers
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