Zinc is the type of roof that is most widely used by households in West Sulawesi Province, with a value of 63.11% followed by palm roofs / thatched trees at 30.53%. The biggest use of zinc is found in Polewali Mandar Regency compared to other districts.
The most widely used material for walls by households in West Sulawesi Province is wood at 67.12%, while the use of walls is only at 20.67%.
Most households in West Sulawesi Province have a floor area between 20-99 m² of 87.38 percent, with a composition of each floor area of 20-49 m² of 49.89% and a floor area of 50-99 m² of 37.49%. In addition, the broadest type of non-ground floor used was 91.17% and the remaining 8.83% was land.
More than 40% of households have not met one of the criteria for a healthy and good house, which is a minimum floor area of 10 m² per capita. Even in Mamasa Regency more than two-thirds. o Only 64.68% of households have enjoyed electricity (PLN and Non PLN), the rest still use petromacs (4.55%), lamps (30.34%) and other lighting sources 0.43%.
Drinking water consumed by households in West Sulawesi Province generally comes from protected wells (31.49%) and springs (24.23%).
There are still 20.02% of households that have a distance of drinking water sources to the disposal of feces less or equal to 10 meters.