BPS West Sulawesi Holds FGD, Finalizes Data "West Sulawesi in Figures 2024" - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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BPS West Sulawesi Holds FGD, Finalizes Data "West Sulawesi in Figures 2024"

BPS West Sulawesi Holds FGD, Finalizes Data "West Sulawesi in Figures 2024"

February 15, 2024 | Other Activities

Mamuju - West Sulawesi Province's Central Statistics Agency (BPS) held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in preparation for the publication of West Sulawesi Province in Figures 2024 (15/02). This event aims to evaluate the data that will be included in the publication to ensure the accuracy and validity of the information presented to the public.

In his opening remarks, Markus Uda, Head of the General Section of BPS West Sulawesi Province who represented the Head of BPS West Sulawesi Province, said, "First of all, on this happy occasion, allow me to invite you to join in offering Praise and Gratitude for the Presence "Almighty God, who has given us all the opportunity, so that we can gather to attend the opening of the 'Focus Group Discussion Publication of West Sulawesi Province in Numbers 2024' in good health."

He emphasized that valid data is the main key to the success of a country's development. Sound decisions and effective government programs depend heavily on accurate data. Markus Uda also expressed his thanks to all those present, including representatives of the data guardian and the Satu Data secretariat of West Sulawesi Province, who were involved in the discussion process.

The Province in Figures publication is an important data source for development planning, monitoring and evaluation. Every year, this publication is increasingly in demand by data users, both those who visit the Integrated Statistics Service (PST) and those who access it via the West Sulawesi Province BPS website.

In this FGD, 26 participants from various OPDs and the West Sulawesi Provincial Central Statistics Agency attended to evaluate the data that would be published. The activity material includes a general explanation of the importance of this FGD as well as an evaluation of the data that will be included in the West Sulawesi Province Publication in Figures 2024.

In closing his speech, Markus Uda emphasized, "Quality data plays an important role in development planning, monitoring and evaluation. What we are doing today is a data validation process which plays an important role in ensuring the quality of the data that will be published. BPS as the Supervisor of Statistical Data Sectoral is tasked with developing OPD in order to build a sustainable National Statistics System."

This FGD event was held for 1 day in the West Sulawesi Province BPS Hall. It is hoped that the results of this FGD will ensure that the data presented in the West Sulawesi Province Publication in Figures 2024 can become a reliable source of information for the community.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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