Acting Governor of Sulbar Requests ST2023 Results to be Used as a Basis for Determining Policy - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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Acting Governor of Sulbar Requests ST2023 Results to be Used as a Basis for Determining Policy

Acting Governor of Sulbar Requests ST2023 Results to be Used as a Basis for Determining Policy

December 7, 2023 | BPS Activities

BPS West Sulawesi Province held the 2023 Agricultural Census Regional Coordination Meeting at the Grand Maleo Hotel, Mamuju on 5-8 December 2023. The aim of this activity is: Coordination related to technical, administration, data processing, analysis and dissemination, post-ST2023 enumeration activities ; Integration of evaluation of a series of ST2023 activities and other activities in 2023; and integration of preparations for ST2023 activities and other activities in 2024.

This activity was officially opened by the Acting Governor of West Sulawesi Province, Prof. Dr. Zudan Arif Fakhrulloh, SH., MH. as well as launching data from the dissemination results of the Phase I Agricultural Census. The meeting was also attended by stakeholders who contributed and collaborated in making the 2023 Agricultural Census data collection a success, including the TPHP Service, Forestry Service, Plantation Service, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service and the West Sulawesi Province Communication and Information Service.

In the series of events, panel discussions were also held with resource persons, namely:

Ir Muhammad Nurbakti, M.Si, Chief Executive of ST2023 West Sulawesi Province, with the theme "ST2023 Complete Enumeration Results".

Dr. Junda Maulana, M.Sc. Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency (BAPPEDA) of West Sulawesi Province, with the theme 

"Utilizing ST2023 Results as Basic Data for Strategic Policy Planning in the Agricultural Sector".

Prof. Dr. Ir. Kaimuddin., MSi, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of West Sulawesi, with the theme "Agricultural Potential and Support for 2023 Agricultural Census Data for Food Sovereignty and Farmer Welfare"

Head of West Sulawesi Province BPS, Tina Wahyufitri stated, "The entire series of activities for the 2023 Agricultural Census from 2020 to 2024 were carried out systematically and comprehensively, and were able to run well thanks to collaboration and cooperation with various related parties, who contributed to the success of the implementation. "2023 Agricultural Census. We hope that this collaboration can continue to be implemented and maintained to produce quality data for advanced Indonesia."

"The 2023 Agricultural Census activities have reached the stage of Dissemination of the results of the Complete ST2023 Enumeration Phase I. I request that all relevant OPDs be able to use the results of the Complete ST2023 enumeration as a basis for determining policies that are right on target." explained Zudan, Acting Governor of West Sulawesi Province in his Keynote Speech.

BPS has carried out a big responsibility by holding the 2023 Agricultural Census from June to July 2023. The 2023 Agricultural Census activity has a big mission for Indonesia, namely as a momentum to improve agricultural database governance; Integration of the farmer database from the census with farmer databases in various Ministries/Institutions to be shared (maintained together); Providing a frame for implementing household-based surveys as an application of objective measurement; and Baseline agricultural production data.

As well as the next mission to improve the quality of government strategic policy design; such as the farmer database from the agricultural census which can be used to support the big agenda for reforming the distribution of fertilizer subsidies through improving targeting data; controlling the rate of conversion of agricultural land, especially rice fields; increasing farmer welfare and food sovereignty; and Building a Resilient and Sustainable agricultural system.

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