July 24, 2023 | BPS Activities
The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) projects that the total population of regencies in West Sulawesi Province in 2035 will reach 1.73 million people.
This number has increased by 323 thousand people compared to data since 2020 of 1.41 million people.
West Sulawesi BPS data states, the growth rate in West Sulawesi in the 2020-2025 period was 1.52 percent gradually slowing to 1.39 percent in the 2025-2030 period.
Then, growth for the 2030-2035 period will be 1.24 percent.
Head of West Sulawesi BPS Tina Wahyufitri said the population distribution in West Sulawesi is dominated by Polewali Mandar (Polman) and Mamuju districts.
The two regencies, he said, are inhabited by more than half of the population in Bumi Malaqbi.
"Residents of Mamuju and Polman dominate in West Sulawesi. Polman is 32.42 percent while Mamuju is 20.01 percent," said Tina.
Meanwhile, Central Mamuju Regency (Mateng) has the smallest distribution, namely 9.99 percent.
It was stated that the population distribution by district in West Sulawesi in 2020 for Majene was 173.86 thousand, Polman was 477.33 people.
Meanwhile, Mamuju 278,085 people, Mamasa 162,789 people, Middle Mamuju 134.56 people and Pasangkayu 187.96.
Tina said that the projection for the population of West Sulawesi in the 2020-2035 period shows an increase in the number of people aged 60 years and over.
The proportion of the population aged 60 years and over in 2020 is 7.58 percent or 107.23 thousand people.
Meanwhile, the projected number of residents aged 60 in 2035 will increase to 11.79 percent or a total of 204.85 thousand people.
"This number shows that West Sulawesi has entered the age structure phase of an aging population, which is marked by the proportion of people aged 60 and over in West Sulawesi exceeding 10 percent of the projected total population of 1,737.88 thousand," he explained.
Tina detailed, from the projection results there is an increase in the population aged 0-14 years from 408.81 thousand people in 2020 to 418.74 thousand people in 2025.
This will continue to increase to 447.68 thousand people in 2035. The proportion of the population aged less than 15 years represents 28.90 percent of the total population in 2020.
In 2035 the proportion of the population aged less than 15 years is projected to decrease to 25.76 percent.
The composition of the population aged 15–64 years is projected to reach 938.20 thousand people in 2020 and will continue to increase until it reaches 156.74 thousand people in 2035.
The proportion of the population aged 15–64 years is 66.32 percent in 2020 and is likely to increase to 67.56 percent of the total population in West Sulawesi in 2035.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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